Friday, February 29, 2008
KBIA, Lots of Pitches and T/F Festival
I tried to get tickets for the True/False film festival when they went on sale through the J-School this week. Unfortunately, I have class from 9-2 on Tues/Thurs so I had a friend go for me and when she got to the window at Lee Hills Hall, the tickets were gone. We've tried the Cherry Street Artisan, and I am planning on showing up to try and buy tickets at the window before one of this weekends shows. I'd really like to see the film, Very Young Girls. I'm doing a research project (paper/presentation) on human trafficking and I think it might be an extremely informative film into the faces behind the exploitation.
I knew coming into this class that pitching stories was going to be the most challenging part of each week. I thought that the pitches Amy and I proposed on Wednesday were full of good ideas, but I agree that they needed to be developed. They needed a hook and an angle. It's always going to be a challenge, but I'm learning to keep my mind open to the idea of new stories throughout the week (as opposed to trying to scrounge something up on Tuesday nights). I'm finding it's absolutely exhuasting to take reporting and political science capstone in the same semester...along with three other upper level courses. But I'm excited that we're almost halfway through and I think i've learned more in the past 6 weeks than I did the entirety of last semester. Hopefully Amy and I can develop and produce an awesome KBIA piece about Full-Service gas stations. I've worked with Amy before and she does a great job with sound, I enjoy it as well and as long as we give the story enough meat, it should stand alone as a super interesting piece.
Staging in Doc?
I agree with Dave Wertheimer that it is not okay to stage events. I thought the example of the NFL player who should pretend he just got the call he had received earlier was pretty drastic. That is staging at its best and reporters should not do this. I do believe that the audience can tell what's staged and what's not. That is hurting a reporter's (and network's) credibility in the long run.
However, I think it is something different to ask a person to walk in a certain direction, maybe because it works better with the light setting. As long as they are not acting I'm okay with it.
Also a lot of people are unexperienced what to do in front of a camera. In order to help them, you can ask what they would normally do in such situations and ask them to try to forget the camera. Whenever you want someone to do something specific you should disclose that. Wertheimer's advice: Just say "We asked so and so to show us how...".
Sliding Sound, Altered Images (where have I seen this before?)
I think that the article about sound and images is a great guide for journalists who are in an ethical dilemma. The changes in technology over the past decade or so has made it exponentially easier to manipulate photographs, sound, and video. I was photoshopping myself into pictures with Orlando Bloom as early as the eighth grade--and I was quite good at it, if I do say so myself. I think that the article also poses relevant questions underneath its guiding principles, like the questions posed underneath the "file tape" category. But my favorite part of the article comes when they say that sound can invisibly trick a viewer. I had never really thought of it that way before. I've read somewhere that most television viewers don't actually watch their newscasts--they listen to it while cooking dinner or sitting on their computer. So I think that, in television, the manipulation of audio is, in some ways, more atrocious than the manipulation of video.
Video Ethics and Staging - No Good
When I read Staged, Staging, Stages, I completely agreed with Wertheimer’s views of video ethics. I feel that it is inappropriate to stage video stories, no matter their importance. Even if it is something as simple as a cooking story or a late-breaking news event, staging video news events only defaces the name of journalism in my opinion. When I am in the field covering stories, I hope that I will not be faced with an ethical decision regarding video staging. However, I know that avoiding such a situation is impossible. I just hope that I can be smart enough and conscious enough to do what is right in respect to me, the publication I work for and American Journalism in general.
Video Ethics and Staging - No Good
When I read Staged, Staging, Stages, I completely agreed with Wertheimer’s views of video ethics. I feel that it is inappropriate to stage video stories, no matter their importance. Even if it is something as simple as a cooking story or a late-breaking news event, staging video news events only defaces the name of journalism in my opinion. When I am in the field covering stories, I hope that I will not be faced with an ethical decision regarding video staging. However, I know that avoiding such a situation is impossible. I just hope that I can be smart enough and conscious enough to do what is right in respect to me, the publication I work for and American Journalism in general.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Ethics and Pictures
In the other article, "Staged, Staging, Stages" I thought the author gave some good tips for avoiding letting the camera influence what the subjects are doing. I know it's hard for me to act naturally when there is someone pointing a camera at me. It makes me nervous. The author also points out that people tend to feel uncomfortable when they are asked to stage something. However, he doesn't mention that it is sometimes the people's idea. For example, last semester I was working at the Missourian and I did a story on the mannequins they use to teach medical students. The director told me to come by and she would show me how the mannequin worked. I brought along a convergence student to videotape it. When I got there, I found that they were staging an entire procedure with the mannequin so we could get the full idea of how it worked. In the interests of journalism, would this type of staging be allowed, as long as you put that it was a demonstration, not a real practice with the mannequin?
Video Ethics
Video Ethics
Staging & Video Ethics
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Video Ethics
Staging is wrong. I think that's a pretty basic ethical principle in all mediums of journalism. Therefore, it's hard to imagine an editor informing a writer that it was ok to stage a picture. I would have to agree with Dave Wertheimer that those editors and writers do not take into account the reason for journalism- to serve their publics with truth. When one fails to do that, he is not truely a journalist and is unfortunately the reason so many distrust the accountability of the news. It's a cycle. People don't just wake up one day and decide not to trust the news.
Video eithics
Lowery and a couple of his friends who worked with him on the film were present after the screening to take questions, and I was blown away when he said that he had to edit over 120 hours of film to put together the final product. I guess that makes sense because it was years' worth of film, but still... I was slightly overwhelmed when I had 20 minutes of film on a recent project. Anyway, there was also a part of the film that showed Lowery editing on his computer, and I caught myself trying to figure out which editing program he was using. Good thing spring break is coming up...
Staging is a bad idea. I couldn't agree more with David Wertheimer when he says that "staging" photographs or clips definitely puts into question the journalistic integrity of the reporter. Do they really just want "that shot," or do they actually care about the story? It is an impersonal way for a journalist to cover a story, no matter the lightness or heaviness of the piece. Although his strategy of using a wireless mic may not collect the best audio, it is a far better alternative to pre-planning the shot, directing people to where you want them instead of capturing them simply as they are in their own natural environment. As journalists, it is not our job to recreate moments, rather to capture them in the first place. And if we mess up, as human beings do every now and then, we need to find an alternative way to capture the essence of the scene. Or know when to walk away. I know it sounds cut-and-dry on paper, and is actually far more difficult when "that shot" is needed for deadline, but I feel like as journalists, we need to be able to think on our feet--a little improvisation keeps things fresh and exciting for everyone involved.
Staging Ethics
Fun With Video Editing Ethics
Visual Ethis
Staged, Staging, Stages
Wertheimer makes good effort to avoid staging, but I wonder just how ‘natural’ captured moments can be. Deciding where to shoot, who to shoot and what shots to include in a video does not exactly conform to what Wertheimer calls, ‘capturing moments and events as they happen’. Besides, how do journalists retain audience attention if people get bored watching the scene unfold on its own for a whole five minutes? How then do journalists strike a balance between ‘showing it as it is’ and producing something interesting that people want to watch?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Bringing footage "closer to reality?"
In regard to what the Poynter site outlines, I believe all issues of ethics are somewhat of a grayscale. I agree whole-heartedly that journalists should strive to maintain accuracy and never deceive their readers. However I was surprised when they raised issues such as audio sliding; I believe it’s questionable whether or not the practice should be labeled “deceitful.” Does this include overlaying different audio cuts? Like so many other decisions in journalism, I’d imagine there will always be discrepancies.
Bringing footage "closer to reality?"
In regard to what the Poynter site outlines, I believe all issues of ethics are somewhat of a grayscale. I agree whole-heartedly that journalists should strive to maintain accuracy and never deceive their readers. However I was surprised when they raised issues such as audio sliding; I believe it’s questionable whether or not the practice should be labeled “deceitful.” Does this include overlaying different audio cuts? Like so many other decisions in journalism, I’d imagine there will always be discrepancies.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Staged, Staging, Stages
This was a very interesting subject to explore that I don’t think many journalists really think about when referring to photography. Staging a photo, in my mind, would be the same as asking a person to say a particular thing while interviewing them because it will sound good in a story. I agree with Dave Wertheimer when he says that that is dishonest journalism. As journalists, there are so many obstacles fighting against us that being blatantly dishonest will not get the trust of our readers at all. I thought the tips that Wertheimer gave at the end of this article were quite fascinating and useful in all other aspects of journalism that I may get the opportunity to put to the test in the coming weeks. Journalists do alter the “truth” of a story simply with their presence and the addition of cameras and other technical equipment do not help, therefore the tips that Wertheimer has generated seem like excellent ideas in helping people feel comfortable with a journalists and equipment. I may just try them for our next assignment.
KOMU-3rd, 4th and even 5th applications..
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
KBIA Neuticles
I think the interview with the female vet was particularly good because it was direct and immediately answered all of my questions about whether neuticles were functional. Overall, I would say that this story was excellent- it kept me engaged and on my toes all the way through; I was curious to hear what was next the entire time.
Emily Coppel
what more can we say about neuticles? nothing. because i don't want to hear about it anymore, and i have 2 boy dogs
I liked that the story opened with the sound of dogs barking. The word "neuticles" inspires a lot of creative ideas about what it might mean, but the ambient sound at the beginning immediately dispels any creative (and maybe vulgar?) definitions about what a "neuticle" might be. I also laughed a little bit when he said "Li'l Rover" and referenced Bob Barker--the narrator's narrative voice is a perfect compliment to the sort of... wackiness of the story. Although reporters are not supposed to inject their opinion into pieces, I did enjoy the sometimes melodramatic inflection of the narrator and felt it was appropriate. Additionally, I liked the sociological commentary that comes from talking to the veterinarian who says that it is almost "always" male owners that request neuticles. I thought that that made it even more interesting than just a story about implanting fake testicles in your dog. Just sayin'.
Lead waste
I chose the radio story about the removal of lead waste from Washington County. Especially children can suffer from high lead levels in their blood. I thought the story was interesting, and I could listen to it very well, even if it was not an easy topic to report about. To some extent the reporter had to quote numbers, such as lead values - and she really did a good job in balancing it.
However, I struggled with the beginning. I didn't like it that I couldn't hear what the EPA official was saying, despite the fact that it was not important at all, because he was just explaining how workers are removing lead waste ("Aah, what he's doing here is excavating the yard..."). Still I was distracted, because I couldn't really focus on the reporters voice nor the man's voice. I just kept on listening because I was interested in the topic.
I also would like to know what happens after they did remove the soil. Where does it go, the soil full of lead?
Despite some minor criticism I really liked the realization of the story idea. I also liked the voicing.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Adderally Radio Show
I chose the radio show about Adderall because I thought it was very well done. The reporter/announcer sounded knowledgeable about what he was talking about and had a wide variety of sources and information. He made good use of background sounds, though there weren't many to choose from, I really liked how he introduced the topic, and all in all I thought the news piece was very interesting, especially for college students. The one thing I didn't really think jived well was towards the beginning. The voice over says something like, "Adderall is a prescription only drug, and this student doesn't have one." But the quote from the student doesn't really say anything about why he is taking the drug without a prescription or even the morality of taking a drug for which you don't have a prescription. I thought that a quote a little more on the topic of the prescription would have been a little better; otherwise he should have worded his transition a little bit differently. Also, I thought the female student source was a little repetitive. However, everything else was very well reported and edited, and even sounded a little bit like those NPR newscasts.
The following post pertains to Neuticles
Neuticles: "...[I]t's the stupidest thing you've ever heard"
The Great Manzini
I enjoyed listening to the “Adderall” story on KBIA. I think that it touches on a very prevalent issue on college campuses.
However, there were a few things missing from the story that I was dying to have answered.
This story somewhat reminded me of the True Life series on MTV. On True Life I think the most important aspect of their reporting is showing both positive and negative sides effects of an issue.
There was too much coverage on the benefits from taking adderall illegally. It made me want to start taking it!
I think they needed a horror story from a student's perspective, instead of the official voice, from the woman teaching drug education.
I do think that this is something we will see more of in our time period while being college students, and I enjoyed the sound bite describing adderall as “the best thing to happen to college students since beer.”
A very timely story but I’m not sure that it taught me anything I didn’t know already.
Mario Manzini
I am never sure if I like question leads, they feel a bit elementary-school to me. It was an interesting story, mobsters are always neat to me, but the story was way too big. True, I like learning everything about everything, but I cannot process an entire biography with just my ears. It is why I do not listen to books on tape. While the way in which the reporter wrote the story fits the guidelines of Writing for the Ear, he could have made several different clips from just this one story.
With the exception of quotations from medical professionals, the rest weren't very poignant. There was no nat sound (albeit, something hard to obtain with this story), and the students recorded had all (not surprisingly) requested anonymity. Another area where I thought this broadcast could have been stronger is in emphasizing the prevalence of Adderall use. Although we are supposed to be wary of number usage in radio broadcasting, I feel reinforcing one or two relevant statistics could have made this story more hard-hitting.
Monday, February 18, 2008
KBIA Story: Manzini
Also, I think the story lacked ambient sound. Even a grunt or a laugh... perhaps even sound of him doing an escape would have been beneficial to the monotonous tone of the story.
All that being said, the story did follow some of the guidelines we discussed like attribution at the beginning of sentences and the subject, verb, object order. I was never confused as to what was being said, just a little overwhelmed by the end.
Short. Simple. Direct. I like how the reporter begins the story by grabbing the listener’s attention. The tone, the speed and the use of words with impact make listeners want to listen. The topic is of interest to the audience - students, teachers and possibly parents - with Columbia being a college town. He made good effort to include different perspectives and attributed the voices. The use of natural sounds could make the piece a little more interesting. If he had continued using the opening style for the rest of the story - by varying sentence length to set the pace – the piece could have a ‘fuller’ feel. Sustained. Rich. Complete.
KBIA Story
From a technical standpoint, I though the use of natural sound at the beginning and end of the piece made sense and helped draw the listener into a school setting. Less appealing however, was the way the volume of his interviews was significantly lower than that of his voice.
I noticed that he used his vocal inflection a bit more than I would have expected from a news piece. While I understand that certain subtleties would be hard to keep out of a recording, I felt like he did it to a point that made me question the objectivity of the piece.
KBIA Stories
KBIA Story
I actually enjoy listening to the stories that are on KBIA. Although the story about neuticles was very entertaining and also informative (who knew that such a thing existed!), I especially liked the story about Adderall. My mom is pharmacist and always talks about how people "of my generation" abuse medicine. I honestly never really thought about it, but this story gave an authentic feel. Being extremely tired and worn out is something all college students have to deal with. I think few people really consider going to the extreme to stay awake, but this story shows those people really are out there. With such easy access to Adderall, that person going to extremes could easily be the person sitting next to you in class. With as many students on medication these days, it makes me wonder how many are out there on our campus that use their prescription drugs to make a few extra dollars. The demand is obviously there, now how many students are will run the risk of supplying?
"I don't know why some people want squooshy softness..."
"Neuticles" definitely caught me off guard initially. The subject matter was not something I was expecting, nor familiar with at all. Once the reporter mentioned that if you don't have a dog, this piece won't interest you, I was slightly taken aback because I do not have a dog, and have never had one. However, in abruptly jumping in to the topic of neuticles, the reporter easily captivated the audience. The constant dog barking in the background served as a reassurance that these substitute testicles for dogs would, indeed, work effectively. It also offered entertaining ambient sound, keeping the listeners tuned in completely. While I enjoyed hearing about neuticles from the perspective of a man who had devoted his life to the cause, I really appreciated hearing the other side of things. The vet offered a much more rational explanation that was far easier for me to relate to. I found "Neuticles" to be an easy, straightforward story that avoided complexities, and in doing so uncovered an interesting and relevant story. Even as a non-dog owner, I felt included. Also, the one phrase I thoroughly enjoyed was when the reporter was referring to the cost, and cleverly used "900 bones" instead of 900 dollars. It was witty and won me over on the spot.
Video nightmare
Super Tuesday Reports Prove Informative on KBIA
I listened to "Super Tuesday Reports" on KBIA for this blog. I thought the story was very informative on many levels. I really liked all the background noise of the polls and people voting. The ambient sound gave a casual vibe to the story. All the different reporters however, gave way to slight confusion as to who was telling the story and when. I sometimes got confused. However, I thought the story was one of the best on the station, especially to have been produced by students.
Friday, February 15, 2008 V-day
Until next week-
Thursday, February 14, 2008
KBIA Addreall Story
The story about Adderall was especially interesting to me. The one aspect that stands out to me about this story is the approach this reporter took and the fact that it was very unbiased, where a topic about student drug use reported on by a student can get biased. The story simply presented us, the listener, with facts from Adderall sellers and consumers, doctors and the University administration perspective. These various opinions are presented to us in a way that helps us draw our own conclusion about the problem, opposed to pointing us in one direction or the other. Radio stories may be easier for doing stories like this, because without visual images this story was presented more anonymously and clearly. I do not think that every story has to have some hidden message or agenda, but many of them do, and this story does a good job of having no agenda. It was simply about the facts. The reporter also made this story relevant by airing it around finals time, when this issue is especially prevalent. I personally thought the whole backdrop of the story was why would college students need to take a drug simply to concentrate on schoolwork. Is there so much pressure on students to perform well that they need drugs to help them? Those were my thoughts and biases while listening to this story, and it was good that the story did not have any bias like that, because that allowed the listeners to come to their own conclusions on this subject, which is the goal of journalism.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
KBIA- Neuticles
While the subject was very weird, the audio did a wonderful job of telling a complete story. It was of a good quality, and the dog barking added some character to the piece. Although it caught me a little off guard in the beginning, the barking did a good job of answering the listener's question of how the dogs reacted to the neuticles, without being distracting. However, I did notice some inconsistencies with the volumes of the different voices, but this is understandable because people talk at different volumes.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Phantastic Photos
I really enjoyed the different points of view that the winners of the pictures of the year multimedia award winners provided. My favorite, however, was Allison Yin and her slideshow, "Down at the Barbershop." The sounds and voice clips she got were remarkable. I really felt as if I was there in the barbershop with her.
The photos that Yin provided along with her voice clips gave the most insight into the story, obviously. But, Yin was able to include all three aspects of photos that we discussed in class: Detail, Portrait, and Scene Setting. When I took my photos, I was really apprehensive as to how they would turn out, but I feel as though I also learned a lot through the assignment as well. Seeing her very professional photos will give me something to strive for in the coming weeks as I continue to learn more.
"Orphaned in an Instant"
Emily Coppel
Final Salute
"Final Salute" really touched me. The pictures were so intense, I could feel the pain and the mourning. Especially the picture of Katherine Cathey hugging the casket was sad. There were several ones I just couldn't take my eyes off. Most pictures I have seen do transport the emptiness felt by the victim's families. I also liked those photos that can be interpreted as sort of metaphors, e.g. Major Steve Beck and his shadow approaching a family house.
However, it was two pictures which striked me most. One shows Cathey's father at the funeral; his tears and the empty look in his eyes reveal all the desperation he feels. The second one shows Katherine Cathey spending the night by the casket. She lies in a small bed and listens to songs that remind her of her husband. One Marine stands in the back, watching her while she falls asleep. This picture is so full of intimacy, documenting Katherine's last goodbye.
I was surprised how close the photographer could get. He shot pictures in the most intimate moments. So the technique of blending has worked very well in that case. I think the first place is well deserved.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Elise Crawley
I really liked the photos by Tamas Dezso, “Romania—On Europe’s Eastern Edge.” One of the reasons that I really liked them is that they were all in really vivid color. Even though there are some things in the photos that are tragic, like death, there is still a sense that the people living there are really real and that they’re surviving. At the same time, the colors and the way that the scenes are set up are vivid and beautiful.
Personally, I think that black and white photos of tragedy have been done so many times. It’s not that they lose their impact, but I think that the contrast of them to something like these photos by Dezso make the photos of Romanian people distinctive.
I would never say that there is a tragedy that doesn’t deserve to get a picture and to be documented, because humanity has to look at its own flaws until the full force of the horror it commits forces it to change. However, I think that we can’t make it to that place without seeing some kind of hope.
Equestrian Statue
I chose this picture out of the magazine picture winners to talk about because it was just such an interesting view. The caption starts, "Newly broke horse and rider pause for a short rest while kids play with the hounds on a sunny autumn day at Apajpuszta, Hungary." And yet the horse and rider are a minuscule part of the picture itself. In fact, the head of one dog and a human pair of legs are the biggest things in the picture.
I enjoyed looking at this picture because there are just so many things to see. It is taken exactly as our eyes would see it. It is artistic in the layers it presents; the dog's head and the legs are slightly out of focus. Then my eyes jumped to the two girls playing farther back in the shot. I practically didn't even notice the horse until I read the caption and searched for it. It made me smile because the important part of the picture, at least according to the caption, was something that came as a surprise.
Anyways, though many of the other pictures created a much more emotional response in me, I chose this one because it made me smile and I could picture myself there looking across the grass, just as the camera does for me.
Winners of Picture of the Year International's international picture of the year awards (presented internationally, yearly, for pictures)
"Final Salute"
The most difficult and haunting image in the slideshows for me is the picture in which the pregnant wife is hanging her body over the casket of her husband and Beck standing in support near her. It portrays true emotion, yet it is a fairly simple photo.
I like that this story was first from the angle of Beck and his role in the Marines and then the families whose lives were affected. It gave me a look inside an experience that I know nothing about, and it will stay with me as I go about my life.
Multimedia Award Winner: Love and War
I thought the piece entitled Love and War was incredible. The texture of his voice and the detail of some in the shots really gave his story a character. The picture detailing the wrinkles and crevices in the man’s hand, the one of a younger picture of him, etc. all do a wonderful job of answering questions that the readers are typically thinking. If you have a man who fired machine guns in a war, we try to picture his hands. If an older gentleman is speaking, we try to imagine how he looked when he was younger. I also think this piece captured a real human element: a universal theme. Even if most could never understand the subject's specific story of having to fight a war and then losing his wife with the same kind of by chance occurrence, most people can relate to losing a loved one. This really tugs at the heartstrings and paints a real picture.
Multimedia Winner of the Year
Democratic Republic of Congo photos
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Community Awareness
I LOVED the Community Awareness photographs. Each picture has a style that you can sense is the product of expert "hunter" skills on behalf of the photographer and also a distinct flavor that comes from the subjects of the photographs. The photographs aren't beautiful in the traditional sense of the word, but the composition of the photographs and the emotions and style of the subjects combine to create an aesthetic that is at once engaging and poignant. Pictures that an amateur photographer would probably overlook suddenly jump off the page (out of the screen?) and violently pull you into the story with their fascinating anguish.
Multimedia of the year
Rocky Mountain News: The amount of depth provided by the photos and text was amazing. It is certainly a sensitive topic and one that I wouldn't think many families of fallen
soldiers would be comfortable with. I liked how the package covered many different events but used Maj. Beck as a central figure with which to tie everything together.
Kentucky Post: They found a compelling way to cover a topic that usually gets only one page every few days in state-wide publications. The audio slide shows did an excellent job of portraying the emotion that both team members and fans put into the football season.
USA Today: The fist thing that struck me after looking over all three packages was that they found an effective means to delivering the multimedia stories and stuck with it. I was expecting the high-quality depth and breadth of coverage in each piece as they were all from the popular national daily, and the presentation and ease of navigation made the stories all that much better.
Community Awareness
Newspaper Photographer of the Year
Photo of the Year
Photographer of the Year
"New Pope Announced" taken by Barbara Davidson under the Newspaper Photographer of the Year category jumped out at me the most. A group of nuns in Enugu, Nigeria have just found out that a new pope was elected, and they are ecstatic. The reason this photo intrigues me so much is because nuns usually seem so stiff and proper, rarely showing any outward emotion. I associate them with religious settings, mostly churches, and to see them elsewhere caught me off guard. Their excitement seems so genuine, and the ear-to-ear smiles on their faces, along with their body language, put me at ease. Nuns seem super-human to me because of their devout religiousness and modest lifestyles, but this photo made me feel as though I could relate more to these nuns, even if only for a moment.
Another photo that just hit home for me was "Party," taken by Tamas Dezso under the Magazine Photographer of the Year category. It was impossible not to connect with the little boy in the picture. He is in the center of a bunch of wealthy adults, drinks in hand, simply taking it all in. He looks nervous, scared, and out of place, but his vulnerability allows people to see this situation from his perspective. The fact that all of the adults' faces are cropped out of the photo draws all of your attention to this boy; intimidated, yet standing tall in spite of it. You can tell he is trying to fit in and absorb this party that he obviously isn't comfortable at, even though none of the adults are paying him any attention. I feel like so much emotion is captured in this photo, making me just want to go give this little boy a hug and tell him it'll all be okay.
Picture Perfect...not
Pictures of the Year
Some of my favorites include Lance Iversen’s photograph of the nude yoga class (Newspaper>Feature Division>Award of Excellence). This is an outstanding and beautiful portrayal for a rather unusual story that would normally make readers cringe at the thought of doing yoga sans-clothes. The light quality highlighting the contours and muscles of the student makes it tasteful, as does the abstraction of the body’s position. And the photojournalist captures great negative space that complemented the figure; this could definitely be considered art as easily as it is outstanding photojournalism. Rodrigo Abd’s “Guatemala Gangs” is another noteworthy photograph; the red of the blood is so visually striking and the way in which the photograph was shot almost lends such a horrific even gracefulness.
I also can’t resist (post-Super Tuesday and all) to note Pete Souza’s photograph of Sen. Barack Obama climbing up the steps of the U.S. Capitol. Not only are all of the intricate architectural elements complementary and detailed (especially in black and white, creating really compelling figure-ground), but as far as a photograph’s capability for visual storytelling, this is practically a metaphor for conquering Washington.
More Than Words
David Gillanders’ ‘Homeless Children of Ukraine’ spoke out to me most. The black and white colors set the tone of the bleak lives of the children. The strong facial expressions of pain and the scenes of children crowding in sewers and injecting each other with drugs spell the harsh conditions they were in. The picture of TB-ridden Vova in a cot was especially provoking. I like how the angle of the picture showed the baby behind the mesh. The netted crib was a trap both literally and metaphorically -- one that the child cannot get out of. It illustrated the helplessness of children abandoned by their families. With outstanding photography, emotions and circumstances are captured in a way that words alone cannot do justice.
Becoming the fly on the wall
My favorite first place pictures are located in the community awareness award, "Upstate Girls."
The pictures are honest and intriguing. I felt as though the photographer was a fly on the wall. The pictures are so simple but they speaks volumes as they explain the lives of the less fortunate.
The picture in the gallery I enjoy the most is "Savannah Smoking." The 13-year-old lets a cigarette hang loosely from the side of her mouth as she stares straight into the camera, wearing a bikini top. All of the pictures capture the struggle to succeed. As you keep flipping through the pictures each story is worse than the last. It's a cycle of poverty that is unforgiving, steering 14-year-olds to become pregnant and addicts because they know no other way.
I think the photographer did a great job capturing the honesty of the community and lives of those she photographed and really portrayed the story from the people, as opposed to just reporting about the issues people face. It made it all that more tragic since I could put a name, like Savannah, with a real issue in society.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Picture of the Year Multimedia Award Winner
Picture of the Year Multimedia Winners
Sunday, February 3, 2008
photo journalism
Friday, February 1, 2008
Week two in the can
In sum, I can't wait to look back in May and regard myself for the first time as a multimedia journalist who doesn't suck completely, but perhaps only a little bit.
think outside the lense
Photojournalism at its finest
Emily Coppel
Elise Crawley
I know very little about photography so I thought that LaBelle’s article was rather helpful. Still, I think that the sum of photography comes down to the basic “I don’t know art, but I know what I like.” Clearly many of the elements that LaBelle mentioned (emotion, humor, angle, reaction, etc.) go into creating a “likeability” factor, truly amazing photos like the raising of the flag on Iwa Jima just seem to happen and a lot of it is luck as to whether or not you get the photo. That said, I do think that patience is key. In looking at the photos by David Snider, I cannot image how long it took just watching searching to get some of those shots.