Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Backpack journalists

I thought that both sides had good points, but the fact that needs to be realized is that we are in a converging world. The population wants their information, but does not necessarily have enough time to view all of the forms of media separately. And each form of media together (broadcast, internet, print and photography) provides opportunities to tell a story accurately and fully. The first article mentioned that the differences were that print and television tell stories in a linear fashion, but convergence provides a two-way method of providing information including the feedback and input of those that are impacted.

I think that this is not practical for all journalists to become “backpack journalists” and I think that it is true that newsrooms still look for good writers above anything. I do not think that this should change. However, I do feel like this should be available for the readers since according to the second article, 51 percent of multimedia journalists are working well. This is very impressive considering newsrooms are not doing so well overall. Becoming trained in all forms provides more for the reader to fully understand the story. Rather than in a linear fashion, the story transforms into something that is more 3-D.
Laura Parkinson

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